Author: Tom Cartmel

Every Time I Die, Vatican and Sins of Godless Men at The Jinx – photos

Damn, Savannah (and it would appear a good number of people willing to travel)! On a Monday night?? A sold out, packed out, sweltering, loud as hell, stage-diving, guitar-playing-on-the-bar metalcore explosion of energy on a Monday night?? Did that just…

Mitski, Katie Von Schleicher & She Returns From War at El-Rocko – photos

Mitski came through town a couple weeks ago on her “Solo Tour of Beautiful Places” and while she got to experience the beauty (and stifling humidity) of Savannah, we got a truly beautiful performance in return. Just the artist that…

Punk Mess 3 announces lineup

Hey, guys, it’s a little way off, but summer will fly by and before you know it Punk Mess 3 will be upon us…3 days, 4 venues, uncountable beers, and 30+ bands, the bulk of which have been announced in…

Savannah Stopover 2018 – Tom’s thoughts and photos

Who would have thought that a 110 lb. indie rock vegan wouldn’t be able to hold his liquor? Yeah, Savannah Stopover was in the air last weekend, and apparently a little got on the floor, too. I’ve only missed one…

Savannah Stopover Survival Guide – updated 2018 version

Happy Stopover! One of my favorite musical weekends of the year is upon us again. You already bought your tickets, right? I wrote this festival survival guide a couple years ago, but I think it may be helpful again this…

Bummerville, Gino and The Goons, Greta O. and The Toxic Shock, COEDS at The Jinx – photos

Daniel Brady Lynch’s Bummerville has a great new record out on the mighty Graveface Records and stopped at The Jinx a few Fridays ago for a great night of music, drinking and familiar faces. The songs work well live, and…

2017 Favorites – Tom’s Year in Music

Pile I’m into music. Always have been, always will be. While 2017 was a shitty year for humans, it was pretty decent for music. I didn’t make it to quite as many festivals, but still saw around a couple hundred…

Jinx-O-Ween Night 2 – photos

What am I going to do on Halloween night? Stay home and eat entirely too much candy that I’m supposed to be passing out (Bottlecaps for the win, yo), or dress up like a weirdo, go to The Jinx and…

Jinx-O-Ween, Night 1 – photos

Yep, it’s that most ridiculous time of year again, when seemingly reasonable human beings dress up as sexy movie characters, sexy pop culture icons, sexy dead people, and, uhhhh, Rick and/or Morty and go see local bands emulate other acts.…

Peelander-Z at The Wormhole – photos

There’s lots I could talk about with this Saturday night rock show/weirdness….the costumes, the totally dumb/totally fun songs about Too Many Mikes/Tacos/Ninja High School/Medium Rare Steaks, the whole crowd limbo, the crowd participation, the circle pit, the crowd surfing, the…