There was nothing HalfAth’ed about this festival! Wow, that was fun! The only thing hotter than the temperature was the music!
Shit. I’m even more out of practice writing about music than I am taking pictures. Sigh. We’ll work on it. Let me just knock out the details and then you can check out the photos in the gallery while you should be working.

HalfAth Music Event was 18 Athens/Georgia musical acts over a sweltering Friday and Saturday in Savannah. Friday at Ships of the Sea then late Over Yonder (New venue, who dis?) in Starland, Saturday a marathon at El-Rocko. Legit production and the performances were uniformly impressive. Seriously, I’d have a hard time picking a favorite set. David Barbe fronting Elf Power for a cover of The Glands? T. Hardy Morris solo Over Yonder? Linqua Franqa holding court at El Rocko? Killer. The amount of Athens people in the crowd was a subject of jokes all weekend… Several of the artists had last performed at the 2020 Savannah Stopover… Live music is back, let the catharsis begin.
Seriously, I’ll work on the writing thing. Jeez.
Anyway, I took a bunch of photos, check em’ out after the jump …
Vision Video Vision Video T Hardy Morris Shehehe New Madrid Neighbor Lady Neighbor Lady Linqua Franqa Linqua Franqa Heffner Heffner Deep State El Rocko Legend Elf Power with David Barbe Elf Power Elf Power Dope Knife Dope Knife/Linqua Franqa Dope Knife Donkey Punch Donkey Punch Caulfield Caulfield bennyhondasupershifter Deep State