If you haven’t purchased or at least listened to COEDS’ debut album Thrill Me!, which was recently released by New Granada Records, you are not living right. GET ON IT:
COEDS’ recent release party at The Jinx was a predictably wild affair that was made even better by the opening sets from Atlanta’s Starbenders and Savannah’s The Lipschitz.
The garage-y, punk-ish duo The Lipschitz woke everyone up with a punch in the face, and then Starbenders played a seductively powerful set for their Savannah debut (as far as I know), with an aggressive glam rock that we don’t see much down here. (Also, Starbenders is a photographer’s dream.)
After Starbenders finished, there were a few jokes in the crowd about COEDS having to follow a set so good — but they were just jokes. COEDS could follow most anybody and still have the crowd hooked. A few shots here and more after the jump (and we’ll likely have another photo gallery coming soon):