It was pretty obvious from the amount of amps on the stage that Friday night at The Jinx was going to be a metal kind of night. With members of Mastodon, Kylesa, Black Tusk, Zoroaster and plenty of up and comers on stage and in the crowd, it would have been heavy even if kazoos and harps were played through those amps (well, maybe not), but rest assured, it was guitars, lots and lots of guitars.
Order of the Owl, Set and Setting, Primate and Mouth of the Architect stopped in the Hostess City on their way to Southern Darkness Fest, a first year music festival in Tampa featuring a slew of the South’s best metal, including Savannah’s own Black Tusk. Hopefully it becomes an annual festival, this year’s lineup was pretty formidable.
Atlanta’s Order of the Owl set the tone for the night with their awesome down tuned doom. They didn’t have much room on the stage as 4 bands worth of amplifiers were stacked behind them, but their set was really well received by the mostly black shirted crowd.
Next up was Set and Setting, and I’m really, really looking forward to digging into their new album A Vivid Memory, which is currently streaming at the AV Club. I’ve mentioned before that I love atmospheric, instrumental rock and Set and Setting is right in my roundhouse. Outstanding, and highly recommended for fans of the genre. Seriously, if you like Russian Circles, you should definitely check out this band from St. Petersburg, FL. Dual drummers rule, by the way.
Jon has already posted some great pics and written a bit about Atlanta’s Primate, and I enjoyed their set, too. Though Primate features one of Mastodon’s guitarists, their sound is based in the aggression of hardcore punk and grindcore rather than the sprawling metal Mastodon is known for. Good stuff.
Mouth of the Architect, hailing from Dayton, OH, closed out the night with a dark set. Literally. The lights were out for the majority of their set of heavy prog riffage. They eventually got some light when one of the musicians proclaimed that he “couldn’t see his guitar”. Yeah, I could see that being a problem. All in all, a great night of heavy music and darkness. (More pics after the jump.)