Graveface Records presents Jel, serengeti, Knife tonight at Hang Fire

Graveface Records is celebrating two years of the label’s retail store in Savannah with a series of events from Oct. 21 to 26. Click here for all the details.

Tonight (Monday, Oct. 21), Graveface presents a show at Hang Fire ($5 cover) with serengeti scheduled for 10:30 p.m., Knife for 11:15, and Jel for midnight.

serengeti, who appears on both Graveface and Anticon, is a hip hop artist from Chicago:

Jel, on Anticon, is also an alternative hip hop artist.

Knife is of course a Savannah-based performer:

After tonight, the week of celebratory events continues at Graveface Records & Curiosities at 5 West 40th St. with various performances, a movie night, a board game night, and a full lineup of bands/Halloween party on Sat., Oct. 26.