Hotplate, Bardus and Pretty Please at The Jinx – photos

Man, I’m getting behind on my posting! Okay, here goes….going to this show was pretty much a no brainer for me. Hotplate is possibly my current favorite Savannah band, as I am a total sucker for the type of experimental/math/complex rock in which they deal. If there’s any genre that gets my blood pumping more than math rock, it’s noise rock, and Philly’s excellent Bardus is a shining example of why. A great set from the grunge worshiping Pretty Please was icing on the cake.

Before Hotplate’s set a plastic dropcloth and ladder were set up on the stage, which, coupled with the fact that most of the band had goggles on, definitely piqued my interest. During their set an artist worked the logoed black tapestry with bleach and a permanent marker (I think), and by the time the music ended a piece of art had emerged. I’m not really doing it justice, suffice it to say it was really cool.

Check the pics, maybe while playing Hotplate’s latest e.p., PLANS ARE BUILT ON THIN ICE, available on Bandcamp. I highly recommend it, and honestly play it on a regular basis. It’s basically one long song, but they’ve split it into four parts, I assume for easier consumption. Personally, I prefer to listen to it straight through. Click on through to Bandcamp for a “name your price” download.

Here’s a band shot video for the song ON.

Hot Plate-4


Pretty Please-1

Pretty Please
Pretty Please-2


Hot Plate-1

Hot Plate-2

Hot Plate-3

Hot Plate-5

Hot Plate-6