After Savannah Stopover’s opening night party at Trustees’ Garden, some of us crowded into Hang Fire for an intense, kind of thrilling set by Corners, a foursome from L.A. working with Burger Records and Lolipop Records. Corners is often described as “post-punk”, but I’m kind of weary of living in a world where everything is “post-” something else. I find Corners’ sound a fresh, garage-y, West Coast take on some New Wave sounds.
Corners was especially exciting to see in the tight confines of Hang Fire, with a mysterious — and bright — spotlight occasionally finding its way through the crowd. (Photographers learn fast that they’ll take any light they can get at Hang Fire.)
Corners’ new single “No Confusion” premiered just last week at Wonderland and was one of the highlights of their Savannah set:
The band has a great look and subdued charismatic stage presence too. We’ll for sure keep an eye on Corners, and we sure hope they come back this way. A couple of pics here with more after the jump: