Kishi Bashi at Geekend – photos

Kishi Bashi played on the final night of Geekend, an annual conference presented each year here in Savannah by The Creative Coast. The weekend is about geeky stuff, and this year there was also good music for attendees booked by MusicFile Productions.

Kishi Bashi and Tall Tall Trees performed in the Creators’ Foundry on Boundary Street just west of downtown. The long, narrow industrial space had recently been home to SCAD’s sculpture department; some of us remember when kayak maker Charlie Reeves created amazing things there.

I’m not sure how The Creative Coast plans to configure the layout if and when entrepreneurs start leasing individual and communal spaces in the building, but it’s certainly an excellent venue for shows of the scale of Kishi Bashi.

I missed opener Tall Tall Trees, but he played with the headliner too and will be back in Savannah for the 2015 Stopover. I’d never heard Kishi Bashi’s bold, fun mix of eclectic rock styles — a real thrill. The lighting was a little hot for really good photos — a detail that could easily be refined for future shows at the Creators’ Foundry, if there are any.







